I was in town and an Elders wife went out of her way to say hello with me and inside I burst into laughter. It was appreciative laughter, as I realized it wasn't a question of being "awake" to watchtower indoctrination. It was simply human nature and this lady was simply unable to shun a friend. As for the shunners I don't blame watchtower indoctrination, but I do question the shunners human nature.
The Rebel
JoinedPosts by The Rebel
Those who are covertly awake.
by Thisismein1972 inok, i work as a taxi driver, and have had a few witnesses in my car already.
as there is no where to run, and being in a confined space, there is no choice other than to create small talk.
after all, shunning someone who is essentially responsible for taking said witness home could lead to a rather embarrassing outcome!
Describe your witness self, then describe yourself now.
by The Rebel inmy witness self :-very hollow, slightly lofty, characteristically judgemental, overwhelmingly convincing.. my non-witness self:- and in my imperfect way no longer taking the passive attitude to reality, and most importantly no longer feeling an outsider with my " true" friends..
The Rebel
I think it's impossible to move from one room to another without being buttonholed by someone, and since leaving the witnesses I am trying not to do this. I have learnt that a person, the real fruit of a person is not always what they believe but what is inside. It's not even who they appear, I have known many a pathetic alcoholic, but when I got to really know them, wow they rate up their with the finest people I have known.
Describe your witness self, then describe yourself now.
by The Rebel inmy witness self :-very hollow, slightly lofty, characteristically judgemental, overwhelmingly convincing.. my non-witness self:- and in my imperfect way no longer taking the passive attitude to reality, and most importantly no longer feeling an outsider with my " true" friends..
The Rebel
my witness self :-Very hollow, slightly lofty, characteristically judgemental, overwhelmingly convincing.
my non-witness self:- And in my imperfect way no longer taking the passive attitude to reality, and most importantly no longer feeling an outsider with my " true" friends.
I conclude evolution is guided
by KateWild inyour qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
The Rebel
Kate Wilde started this O.P " I Conclude evolution is guided" ? and Vivianbe started an O.P " What is Spirit"? As for myself I started an O.P " Did Man Land on the Moon" ?
Talk about starting questions without answers.....Oh for Gos sake ( One poster is athiest, another agnostic, another a scientist ect) shut up...this O.P may as well be talking about " identifying three discrepancies in Einsteins special theory of Relativity, with special reference to the constant 3x/c.
Sorry may be I am out of order, and I don't consider myself a smart thinker, but I think having read the thread up till page three I concluded evolution is not guided. So why do those that explained factually " evolution is not guided" not leave it on page three?
The worldwide fear policy....
by The Rebel init seems the media heavily underline the dark side in everything.
yes there are really bad problems in the world and they need to be addressed.
but we also need to keep on the positive.
The Rebel
it seems the media heavily underline the dark side in everything. Yes there are really bad problems in the world and they need to be addressed. But we also need to keep on the positive. For example whilst I dislike the power of the multi media ( advertising) I also appreciate the benifits of multi media power and its technology. So whilst I personally feel science and technology has cut of human feelings, I also appreciate medical science has been a great benifit and my lifespan extended because of it.
Now as for advertising personally I feel it has created artificial expectations of men and women to sell its products, but provided it doesn't put false slogans with the advertisements, I can live with it. Anyway I guess our entertainment industry has always given us beautiful images of men and women and it does so because that's what we want to see. So why focus on the dark and say such images of human beings dehumatize the average person and make us feel inferior?
So do you also feel the news people and politically correct groups focus too much on the dark side of everything? Remember it's just our opinion posted under " friends" and other view points are equally respected.
Post votes rolled up to topics
by Simon injust an experiment to see if it's useful or not .... the likes and dislikes for posts are now rolled up to the topic so you can see whether a topic is mostly positive or negative (or maybe a battleground?).
with some 'decay' to the votes built in this might evolve into "most vibrant topics" based on more than just the number or recency of replies (ideally all will factor in).. ps: don't worry if some topic totals are wrong right now - i need to run a job to put some of them right..
The Rebel
Just an additional observation on some threads positive and negative dislikes fly all over the place. However often a great point is made. It's a bit like tennis. One of my pet hates is watching tennis matches. However I think the scoring is great, 15/ luv, 30 luv/ then 40 / luv then game set and match and hopefully finnished.
So to clarify the only thing I like about tennis is the scoring, yet the game can still go on forever :-) However my wife loves it. Why I sit through Wimbledon with her, I will never know
p.s I have also noted threads with post votes often become so involved, that a new poster joining the thread offering a third and valued perspective is ignored.
Post votes rolled up to topics
by Simon injust an experiment to see if it's useful or not .... the likes and dislikes for posts are now rolled up to the topic so you can see whether a topic is mostly positive or negative (or maybe a battleground?).
with some 'decay' to the votes built in this might evolve into "most vibrant topics" based on more than just the number or recency of replies (ideally all will factor in).. ps: don't worry if some topic totals are wrong right now - i need to run a job to put some of them right..
The Rebel
In my " observant" opinion post votes are often a non-entity on some exceedingly great threads.
Anyway my questions are:-
A) who are the " opinion votes" designed for?
B) what % of the board can't use opinion votes? ( lurkers may make up the majority of the board)
C) can " opinion votes" be negative on the young or new posters who start an O.P but luck knowledge on their sincere, well intended but none-the-less "ignorant" questions?
D) What % of posters contribute to the board based on ego and the satisfaction of positive feedback?
E) When I was a witness the congregation survived by everyone " voting" yes to a mandate. So maybe a poster can feel afraid challenging positive votes, even if he/ she feels a negative vote more warranted?
F) This is an ex J.W site, and possibly biased so many witnesses visiting here doubting may find the negative feedback they receive away of saying this site is demonic?
I could go on all day with this, but my personal opinion is a great O.P and a great comment doesn't need to be judged as positive or negative, it stands and survives on its own merit. Does that opinion deserve a red thumb?
I conclude evolution is guided
by KateWild inyour qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
The Rebel
Well cedars you quote Kate :-
"an emphasis on facts can be as factual as non facts sometime "
and if I could answer on Kate's behalf :-
" maybe the more you look, the less you really know? And maybe that is a fact, a true fact. In a way it's the only fact there is. So maybe we should not look at the " FACTS" but the meaning of the facts. Even if we conclude the facts have no meaning"
I got those words from somewhere and maybe quoted them wrong, anyway I hope they help understanding each other's perspective?
The Rebel.
Exit therapist
by Beachlover ini am having quite a bit of trouble leaving and fading.
does anyone have recommendations of an exit therapist?
it doesn't matter where they are located, i need to get out physically, mentally, and emotionally.
The Rebel
I think you will find many " qualified" therapists on this site. Check out a thread by " compound & complex" titled " The natural beauty of our neighborhood" or maybe the best therapy is to find something of real value to you? Something you can attach your life too. So maybe the answer is found in your user name " Beachlover". The world is fall of beautiful beaches.
The ( beach loving) Rebel.
Thankfully not many publishers remind " me" of Troy.
by The Rebel ini took my son to the watford football club family day,-and the highlight- troy deeney.
he stayed until every last item was signed and every selfie was taken.
we left way after the end of the event and he left after us.
The Rebel
I took my son to the Watford football club family day,-and the highlight- Troy Deeney. He stayed until every last item was signed and every selfie was taken. We left way after the end of the event and he left after us. He is the embodiment of everything my football club used to be about. I spoke to some of the stewards and they were saying Troy is the most down to earth person you could meet- what a contrast to the rest of the team who looked bored and left leaving many kids with unsigned shirts and selfies.
Anyway Troy kind of reminded me of me, when I was a witness, I was full of enthusiasm on the ministry and sadly highly successful. However most of the congregation were like the rest of the Watford players, they couldn't be bothered on the ministry.
How were you on the ministry, zelouse or lazy? Did you have any zelouse and successful publishers? I am sure that the large % of witnesses can't be bothered on the ministry, and this is why I was not surprised to discover no outsiders have been bought in to the congregation since I left.
The Rebel :- whose advice is be zelouse for something you love and that is worthwhile.